Ports, Fishing Harbours & Dredging

The Vishwa Samudra Group has established itself as a leader in developing ports, fishing harbours, diverse marine structures and dredging operations. With the foundation at India’s second largest private port in Krishnapatnam from 2008 to 2020, which was built, operated and managed by the group, it set records across categories and reached unmatchable milestones over the years.
VS’s current port construction project (INR 2,949.69 Cr / US$ 360 Mn) in Mulapeta, Andhra Pradesh, elevates it as one of the best green field port infrastructure creators. A deep-water port with a draft of 20 metres, this port will take on the major ports on the east coast of India.

Additionally, on the same coast, VS is constructing 5 Fishing Harbours (INR 1496.85 Cr/ US$182 Mn), to boost the state’s fishing capacity and provide much-needed infrastructure for fishermen.

With unparalleled expertise in marine Dredging Operations, the VS Group, with its own dredgers, is one of the fewest companies in the country to be a dredging operator providing precise, efficient, and environmentally responsible solutions for complex maritime projects globally.